Don’t let the counterfeit bearings spoil your business!
In many cases counterfeit bearings look exactly like the real ones. The bearing, the packaging look and are marketed as high class products. One can’t tell the difference. And in many cases the price will not be much cheaper than the original. But once put into work, the differences become very clear.
Beware of these “too good to be true” prices or not known suppliers!
An effective way to identify fake bearings is to use the DMC scanner, which gives information for the trueness of the bearing, as well as country of origin and date of production. We at RUDI have the new ProScan scanner, which is a DMC (data matrix code scanner) type of scanner. So if you fear you might have bought fake bearings from another supplier, you can turn to us to check it. Just send us a picture of the DMC code, which we can scan for you.
At the moment, ProScan can only check INA and FAG bearings. Soon NACHI will be added. And after that we expect other bearing producers such as SKF, KOYO, TIMKEN to join. Right now not all of the bearing codes are entered in the system. Also, older bearings, which do not have such a code on the packaging will not be traceable. So the best way to be sure you are buying real bearing, buy them from a known and trusted supplier like RUDI!