
Fake bearings - a threat to the consumer

Fake bearings - a threat to the consumer

Counterfeit bearings threaten both industries and consumers alike. Recent cases in China and India underscore the ongoing battle against these fraudulent products, emphasizing the importance of quality control measures and collaborative efforts between authorities and manufacturers.

Ningbo Customs, in a recent operation, intercepted a shipment with counterfeit bearings marked with the trademark of Koyo and SKF, which were confirmed as counterfeit by the copyright holders. The seizures highlight the dangers posed by counterfeit bearings, which often compromise safety standards and risk equipment failure.

Chinese customs officers have seized numerous batches of counterfeit goods, including bearings, that infringe on intellectual property rights. In recent years, China has implemented a range of measures to strengthen intellectual property protection, including the establishment of specialized anti-counterfeiting departments within customs. These initiatives aim to protect the rights of trademark holders and prevent counterfeit goods from entering the market.

Bearings, being precize instruments, doing an important job in every machine or component, needs to be viewed with special attention. Fake bearings can led not only to machine failure and downtime, but most importantly, to injuries to the end user. This is a huge risk that is being born by every customer who buys from unidentified sources. Don't trust everyone when buying bearings! Buy from proven traders, who would not compromise their name for a quick buck. We at RUDI, with our over 30 years of experience in trading with bearings, are very careful when chosing our suppliers. So with us youy can becertain you are getting real bearings.


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